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Cancellation and Refund Policy

It is sad to see you go but you are always welcome here while we make the exit process as smooth as possible.

Can you cancel your subscription?

For now, we are not planning any subscription cancellation service. So if you have purchased a one-year subscription, it is yours and you can make the best use of it.

Will there be any cancellation service in the future?

Most probably. There are chances that we will implement the cancellation process along with more suitable and pocket-friendly pricing packages so that no one will feel left out.

Is the subscription web based only?

Yes, to use all the features in our App, you do not need to purchase a subscription for now. To use the contact information gathering feature, you have two subscription plans, Free and Premium.

A Product of Naam Intelligence Pvt Ltd.
IT 10 RIICO Industrial Area, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

You can also send Your enquiries (including in relation to any grievances to our Grievances Officer) via email to

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